metaphysics degree



Common Questions

Tuition Information

Online Registration Office

Licenses & Credentials

Contact Information


International College of Metaphysical Theology, Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities, Vancouver, WA




Terms and Conditions of Enrollment

By submitting your application to the International College of Metaphysical Theology you agree to the following:

1. Application and Enrollment

Your application, whether submitted online, by FAX, or by mail represents a legal and binding enrollment agreement to complete the process in a timely manner and subsequently pay your tuition balance as agreed upon official acceptance into the program.

2. Enrollment Agreement

ICMT is an Institute of Higher Education. Please do not enroll with ICMT unless you are serious about your education and want to earn a degree that will give you a sense of accomplishment and pride upon completion. Paying your tuition does NOT guarantee conferral of any degree or certificate. You MUST successfully complete and pass the required coursework as outlined by the college.

3. Required Approval for Time-Off

In the event that you need to put your studies on hold  for more than 3-months or more, your must contact the college in writing to request that time off. With prior approval you may take time off from your coursework to attend to unexpected issues that may come up in your life after your enrollment. Prior approval is necessary so that the college can make the appropriate arrangements with your Professor and/or Course Advisor(s). An unexcused absence (no course work submitted for 3 consecutive months) with no prior approval, will result in your student status being set to "inactive". Inactive students (those who have not submitted course work for a period of 6-months or more, without prior approval) will be required to submit a Reinstatement Fee in order to continue on with their studies. After one-year away, students are considered as having withdrawn of the program. See below for Reinstatement Options.

4. Degree Eligibility For Tuition Payment-Plan Students
(Applies to Full-3-Degree-Program Students ONLY)

Those on an extended tuition financing plan for the 3-Degree Program must complete 1/3 of their tuition obligation before being eligible for the Bachelor's Degree - 2/3 of the tuition obligation must be completed prior to becoming eligible for the Master's Degree. Tuition must be paid in full prior to becoming eligible to receive the Doctoral Degree.

5. Cancellation Policy

The Enrollment Fee is non-refundable.

The college expends considerable time and effort in organizing your degree program coursework, not to mention the time and personal attention of your course mentor. As such, there are no tuition refunds for payments that have been made to the college. The one exception is for degree programs that have been paid for in full, in which case the college would prorate any refunds as outlined below. Any refunds will include a deduction of a US$300 Administrative Fee to cover associated costs. As noted in Section-1, your enrollment date is determined based on the date of the original application and $95 enrollment fee payment.

For example:

Withdrawal within 3-days of enrollment: full amount, less $300 Administrative Fee.

Withdrawal within two-weeks of enrollment: 50%, less $300 Administrative Fee.

Withdrawal within one-month of enrollment: 25%, less $300 Administrative Fee.

Withdrawal after 1-month: No Refunds


5b. Degree Program Withdrawal

Withdrawal requests MUST be submitted to the college in writing. E-mail will be accepted for withdrawal requests - however, as with any postal mail correspondence (and in accordance with the cancellation policy details above), the time-stamp receipt of the request will be officially noted as the time it is received and confirmed in our office - not the date when sent. ICMT is not responsible for any delays or loss in postal or e-mail receipt. It is the withdrawing student's responsibility to send the withdrawal request in a manner that will allow receipt tracking, if the date we receive the request is important to you.

IMPORTANT: Any withdrawal date noted in writing will be overridden and re-set with any further student access of the degree program areas of the online campus. ALL campus access by the student is logged by date, time, and IP address. Once you submit your withdrawal request, you must cease all access to the ICMT campus web site.

For those who have paid their tuition-in-full only -- Upon confirmed receipt and confirmation of your withdrawal request, allow 3 -5 business days (M-F) for the Administrative Office to review your student account and determine what, if any, refund amount may be due to you.

The period needed to process and receive any refunded amount will vary depending upon our processing time and the method by which you made your original payment. Once issued, ICMT is not responsible for any processing delays by outside payment processors, credit card companies, etc.

Please note that in some cases - especially in those cases where a student received a very low promotional "pay-in-full" tuition rate - it is possible that there will be a "negative" refund amount, when calculating the required Administrative Fee. Of course, the college will not charge you extra to withdraw from the program in that case - however, it may work out that no refund will be calculated.

After submitting written request for withdrawal - and upon confirmation of that request in our Administrative Office - the student will be given a short period (usually 3-business days) to reconsider their withdrawal request and decide to continue with their degree program without incurring the reinstatement fee. For this purpose, ICMT will provide the withdrawing student with a deadline in which to make that decision. After the deadline has passed, the student may still choose to reinstate their degree program within a 3-month period - however, the standard US$250 reinstatement fee will apply.

5c. Reinstatement Options for inactive students

Students who go beyond a 6-month period with no submitted course work (and without an approved request for an extension), are considered to be inactive.

Inactive students may usually return to their studies, without penalty, with prior approval of their professor, up to six-months from their last active date.

After one-year of inactivity, the student is considered to have withdrawn from the degree program.

Withdrawn students have the option to return within a three-year period only, by submitting the standard Reinstatement Fee of $250.

If you are an inactive student -- and would like to return to active status, please contact the ICMT Admissions Office:

Please note that the specific details above apply to those who had originally paid their tuition either in-full at the time of enrollment --or-- paid in full by way of an extended installment plan.

In those cases where a past tuition balance is owed to the college, we will confirm any remaining balance -- and combine that with the applicable reinstatement fee. In some cases, we can work out a discounted balance based on how far along the student was in their payment plan -- or, if the returning student wishes to pay any remaining balance in full, or over a shorter period. Details will be provided on a case-by-case basis.


6. Transfer Credit
As with any college program, (when attempting to transfer credit for past college-level work) the amount of credit given, if any, depends entirely on policy of evaluating institution. Just as ICMT reserves the right to determine transfer credit given for a student's past education toward the entrance requirements of our college, other institutions reserve the same right when determining how they will handle transfer credit. If you are planning to transfer credit from ICMT, or any other college, to another specific institution, it is suggested that you contact them in advance to ask about that school's unique policy toward transfer credit. ICMT makes no warranty or representation as to the amount of credit other institutions will allow for course work completed at our college.

7. Tuition Agreement

You agree to pay your tuition according to the guidelines of your selected tuition payment plan. Each incoming degree program student that chooses one of the available extended payment options must complete the standard Tuition Contract Form and return it to the college prior to the start of their degree program.

8. Access to the Online Student Campus Website

All ICMT students receive access to the private Online Student Center website. As the name implies, the Online Student Center is a private, password-protected resource website for enrolled students of ICMT ONLY. The ICMT Online Campus System is provided as a supplemental service for enrolled students. While we use our best efforts to maintain the campus system to high standards, the college makes no warranty of availability, access, or compatibility for use with your computer system. Students are solely responsible for their ability to access the online campus system. This includes, but is not limited to, knowledge in operating a computer, a properly functioning computer system and a functional internet connection. Occasionally, some businesses or even entire countries may apply network filters which may limit or restrict your access to the online campus system, or other third-party features of the campus web site. The college is not responsible for any such network filtering, whether the filters be in place now - or at any time in the future.

9. Course Books and Materials

All costs for required and supplementary textbooks, materials and resources (not otherwise provided by the college) are the sole responsibility of the student.

Please note that ICMT currently provides all required Bachelor's Degree program texts (with the exception of one book) in e-book format from the online campus at no additional cost. However, ICMT reserves the right to make changes to book requirements and format at anytime, for any reason - whether as a global policy, or based on other criteria, such as changes in availability, licensing issues, or any other factor that the college deems worthy of consideration.

With the advent of new technologies, international students are now able to access most of the required texts in e-book format via services such as Amazon Kindle (for PC, Smart Phone and/or the Kindle reading device). Please read the "ICMT Book Guidelines" document upon enrollment for more details and limitations.

For all students: additional ICMT degree program materials are available to students in several formats; including some supplementary reading, e-mail (correspondence from faculty, specialized reading materials and resources, etc.), and via the college's private Online Campus web site, where additional academic resources and administrative forms are available for 24-hour access. ICMT does not charge an additional fee for online access at this time.

*** Please note: Due to the fluid nature of licensing arrangements, changes in availability of texts, resources and other materials, etc., ICMT reserves the right to change or modify required course texts, materials and requirements at anytime - with or without prior notice - regardless of the book titles in place at the time of your enrollment.

10. Computer Suitability, Internet Access, Software Issues, Technology Issues, Online Campus access, etc.

ICMT is a global distance-learning college that relies on various technologies (computer, internet, e-mail, etc.) for communication, research, resources, assignment submission, grading, and so on. As an Online Student, you are solely responsible for your Internet access, maintenance, repair, as well as any costs associated with your computer, internet access, e-mail, virus protection, and/or any other peripheral equipment that may be required to successfully complete your studies with the college.

ICMT may, at times, suggest various websites, software, or other online resources to you in relation to your study, communication needs, etc. The college is not responsible for any issues arising from the use, availability, or inaccessibility of any third-party software, website, computer program, etc.

The ICMT Online Campus system is provided as-is, with no warranty of accessibility or availability. There may be occasional unannounced periods of downtime, network outages, maintenance periods, etc. There may be future system upgrades, operating system updates, browser updates, etc., that may require that you install or upgrade software on your computer system in order to continue to access the campus system, or individual component of the campus system. The student is solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their computer system.

11. Student Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times within the course of their studies with ICMT.

Use of hate-speech, promotion of illegal activity, and/or or discrimination toward any group or individual based on race or sexual orientation, is prohibited. At no time should students engage in disparaging comments toward faculty, staff, or fellow students - whether within assignments, on discussion forums, within course or admin-related e-mail, or any publicly accessibly forum or social platform.

Plagiarizing the work of others (whether within course assignments, or within a student's thesis or dissertation) will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

Failure to meet the standards set forth by the college may be grounds for immediate termination and dismissal - all funds paid will be forfeited and degrees unobtainable. No exceptions will be made. The committee’s word will be final. Behavior of the student is expected to be in-line with the mission statement of the college.


Extended Payment Terms
ICMT Tuition Contract

Updated Terms and Conditions for Extended Tuition Financing Plans

Automatic Monthly Online Installment Payments are required unless student has received prior permission from the college.

Those on extended tuition payment plans must enter into an automatic monthly credit card billing agreement with the college. It is an easy, efficient and safe way to submit your monthly tuition installment payments.

Those without a major credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover) but have a U.S. Checking Accounts may also use automated monthly bank drafts through PayPal. This requires that the student set up a free account with PayPal –

Please note that PayPal can and will cancel any recurring installment subscriptions when a funding credit card expires or other account changes are made. If this occurs during your installment term, the Administration Office will create a new installment plan that will continue where your payments had left off. Students are responsible for reinstating their installment plan in a timely manner.

All online payments are processed securely by the PayPal Business Merchant System.

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office:

International College of Metaphysical Theology, Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities, Vancouver, WA







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