Degree Title: Doctor of Paranormal Studies, D.MT.
Earning a Paranormal Studies Degree with ICMT will help establish you as someone qualified to conduct research and services in the field of parapsychology.
Parapsychologists are involved in several areas of focus. One area of focus in in providing evidence for the existence of the phenomenon of paranormal activity. Another is learning about the phenomena by identifying their features and the conditions and forms in which they manifest. In addition, parapsychologists conduct research to see if and how the phenomena relate to such variables as personality characteristics, altered states of consciousness, physical variables, etc.
The International College of Metaphysical Theology Doctorate in Paranormal Studies program is available for those who currently hold a Bachelors and Masters degree in Metaphysical Theology, or other related areas of study.
ICMT Doctoral Degree programs are presented in a Non-Traditional, Holistic Learning format. As with our Bachelors and Masters programs, students complete their course work by correspondence (e-mail, postal mail, phone, online forums, etc.). All Doctoral Programs require submission of a research dissertation. For additional details, see the Doctoral Degree resource page.