Degree Title: Doctor of Eastern Religions and Philosophy, D.MT.
The Eastern Religions and Philosophy Doctoral Degree program is for those wanting to enter the field as a researcher, writer, or educator in areas related to the major religions and philosophies of Asia.
Eastern religion is a group of religions originating in India , China, Japan and Southeast Asia . This includes the Tao and Dharmic faiths, as well as animistic indigenous religions.
The main areas of research typically include:
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Taoism
- Shinto
- Confucianism
- Zen
The International College of Metaphysical Theology Doctorate in Eastern Religions and Philosophy program is available for those who currently hold a Bachelors and Masters degree in Metaphysical Theology, or other related areas of study.
ICMT Doctoral Degree programs are presented in a Non-Traditional, Holistic Learning format. As with our Bachelors and Masters programs, students complete their course work by correspondence (e-mail, postal mail, phone, online forums, etc.). All Doctoral Programs require submission of a research dissertation. For additional details, see the Doctoral Degree resource page.