metaphysics degree


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International College of Metaphysical Theology, Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities, Vancouver, WA

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International College Of Metaphysical Theology

Bachelor of Metaphysical Theology Degree, B.MT.

General entrance requirements are a high school diploma (or the equivalent) and college-level reading and writing ability (e.g., 2 years of college-level work, or the equivalent skill-level - based on evaluation, of past experience, education, certifications, etc.). Please note that work-study credits, volunteer service or other related types of experience may also be applied toward the entrance requirements in many cases. Our primary concern for those entering at the Bachelor's Degree level, is that the student have sufficient reading and writing ability to successfully complete the course work.

The student will be tested in all aspects of the curriculum. In addition to the ascribed format of study and testing, the student will complete outside reading, some of which is mandatory. All outside reading must be within the guidelines of the subject matter.

The bachelors degree requirements also includes the successful completion of ministerial studies from the College Seminary. Upon completion of Seminary studies, the student will be ordained. Both the Bachelors degree program and Seminary instruction are included and required before beginning the Master's Degree Program.


View the Bachelors Degree Syllabus and Assignments Outline
(Opens in a new window)

Semester Hours and Required Courses and Description

  • Metaphysics; the study of ancient history, cultures, beliefs up to some of today’s belief systems .
  • A History of God; exploration of Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
  • History of Eastern Philosophy; religious thoughts from the ancients through to Modern thought.
  • Native American Spirituality / Philosophy
  • The examination and exploration of spirituality from its purest thought , to its abuse and misuse by people to control others. The student will explore the difference between what religion is and what is spirituality.
  • The Study of altered states of consciousness, Including hypnosis, mediation, deep prayer laying of hands and similar altered states.
  • The three required book readings and corresponding papers
  • Seminary Ordainment studies and ordainment
  • Final Project on Metaphysical Theology

60 total upper division semester hours

Required Reading**

As a Man Thinketh, James Allen
(Foreword by Stephen Rinaldi, D.MT.)

Man's Search for Meaning, Vicktor Frankl

The Aquarian Gospel , Levi
With forewords by James Grant, Ph.D., D.Min & Stephen Rinaldi, D.MT.

The Metaphysics, Aristotle (350 B.C.E.).
With foreword by Stephen Rinaldi, D.MT.

The Art of Living - Volume 1, James R. Grant, Ph.D., D.Min.

Deepening Affirmations, Daniel J, Benor, M.D.

Enclosed for the student’s further study is a reading list. Web sites of interest are also included.

** Please note: Due to the fluid nature of licensing arrangements, changes in availability of texts, resources and other materials, etc., ICMT reserves the right to change or modify required course texts, materials and requirements at anytime - with or without prior notice - regardless of the book titles in place at the time of your enrollment.

*** Required reading is provided in e-book format from within the ICMT Online Campus System. Those not available within the campus may be purchased in e-book or soft-cover format from various Online book vendors, local book stores or libraries.

Bachelors Degree Program - Course Synopsis
60 total upper division semester hours

Required Reading (3 works selected by the college) - 15 semester hours

A three to five page paper is required for each book on what the student learned and felt from each book. We are interested in content. Students refer to the ICMT Document entitled ICMT Writing Guidelines for detailed instructions for completing written assignments.

All written assignments are to be submitted via thei ICMT Online Campus account. For instructions on layout, format and submission of your assignments, refer to the ICMT Document entitled Online Assignment Submission Guidelines.

- 4 semester hours

The student will study ancient metaphysics, cultures and history.

  • The Metaphysics, Aristotle (350 B.C.E.).

The student will progress up to more modern beliefs and cultures, including new thought and new age cultures. Further research information on these topics is readily found on the internet or in a public library. Additional information available from the ICMT Online Campus Library.

Assignment 1: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

A History of God - 3 semester hours

This course is the study of the three religions of Abraham and includes an overview of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The purpose of the study is to familiarize the student with these religions so the student has an understanding and how metaphysics is intertwined with those religions. Resources are provided on the ICMT Online Campus and Campus Library. Additional online resources are also provided.

This section currently includes a web-based audio segment
(this is an optional resources for those with fast connections)

Assignment 2: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

History of Eastern Philosophy - 3 semester hours

The student is to explore eastern philosophies, metaphysics and religions. This should include Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The student should distinguish the difference between what is religion and what is philosophy.

Resources are provided on the ICMT Online Campus and Campus Library. Further information for this assignment should also be available at your local library. The college has also provided a number of relevant web links to help with your research. See the Online Resources document available from the Online Student Center website.

Assignment 3: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

Native American Spirituality - 1 semester hour

The student is to explore Native American Spirituality and metaphysics. Resources are provided on the ICMT Online Campus and Campus Library. Further information for this assignment should also be available at your local library. The college has also provided a number of relevant web links to help with your research. See the Online Resources document available from the Online Student Center website.

Assignment 4: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

Spirituality 8 semester hours

Examine and explore spirituality from it earliest thoughts through to the present, including paganism, Wicca, and other early spiritual groups. Continue your exploration of the subject by discussing modern day views on spirituality. The student will explore the differences between religion and spirituality. The student will also consider the abuses and misuse of religion to control others.

Resources are provided on the ICMT Online Campus and Campus Library. Further information for this assignment should also be available at your local library. The college has also provided a number of relevant web links to help with your research. See the Online Resources document available from the Online Student Center website.

Assignment 5: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

The Study of Altered States of Consciousness 6 semester hours

The student will study meditation, hypnosis, deep prayer, laying of hands and other altered states of consciousness. The student will have the opportunity to experience self - hypnosis and meditation.
Resources for this topic can be found at most libraries. The college has provided relevant Internet links to help with your research. Please see the Online Resources document available from the Online Student Center website.

Assignment 6: A three to five page paper is required on the subject.

Final Project 10 semester hours

Assignment 7: The student is to write a five to ten page paper on what they have learned from the study of metaphysics and how they feel they have grown from the study. As with all papers, we are interested in content more than form.

Please refer to the ICMT Document entitled ICMT Writing Guidelines document for detailed
instructions for completing your writing assignments.

Please note: Your masters thesis and doctoral dissertation will be more formal in nature.

Seminary Ordainment Studies and Ministerial Ordainment 10 semester hours

Ministerial studies and ordainment as a Metaphysical Minister. This course includes the following:

1) Complete the Ministerial Orientation Lessons (provided in e-book format).

2) Read the book included with your orientation kit. Write a 3-5 page paper outlining your thoughts and responses to the book in regard to religion, science, mind and nature. Do you agree? Disagree? Did the reading influence your thinking in any way? Did you find any information that you feel you can apply to your ministerial work? Please follow the writing guidelines from the ICMT Bachelors Degree program in preparing your paper.

3) Write a 3-5 page paper outlining what your Ordainment will mean to you. How will you move forward with your ministerial work? What areas of ministry most interest you? In which areas do you feel you need or want to increase your knowledge and experience? Please follow the writing guidelines from the ICMT Bachelors Degree program in preparing your paper.

4) Read the e-book by Dr. James R. Grant, Ph.D. entitled Metaphysics, Theology and the Theory of Morals. There is no assignment associated with this reading.

5) Read, Sign & Submit your Ordination Vows to the Seminary following the instructions included with that document.

6) Submit your first year's Ministerial Affiliation fee ($60 per year).


At the successful completion of the Bachelors-level work and the corresponding Ministerial Ordination Course, the student will have earned the following:

  • Bachelor of Metaphysical Theology Degree (B.MT.)
  • Ministerial Ordainment Certificate
  • Metaphysical Practitioners Diploma

International College Of Metaphysical Theology college metaphysics university
Online Brochure

Part 1 - What Is Metaphysics
Part 2 - Licenses and Credentials
Part 3 - Bachelor of Metaphysical Theology Degree, B.MT.
Part 4 - Master of Metaphysical Theology Degree, M.MT.
Part 5 - Doctoral Requirements
Part 6 - Conduct
Part 7 - Addendum A and Registration Instructions
Part 8 - Registration

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Home / Registration Office

The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that International College of Metaphysical Theology qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs: Bachelor of Metaphysical Theology (BMT); Master of Metaphysical Theology (M.MT.); Doctor of Metaphysical Theology (D.MT.); Doctor of Divinity (D.D.); and Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) .The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition or quality of the offerings by this institution. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 or by email at

(ICMT is listed within the "Seminaries & Related Programs" category).

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